MONDAY, May 13, 2024

6:00 P.M.


300 N 1st MAIN ST

                The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall.  Members present: President Russ Hulback, Trustees Randy Hill, Dave Ebner, Kathy Krug, Denise Paddock, Steve Johnson. Absent: Jessica Larson.

               Also present: Sean Lentz, Ehlers; Jaden Ebert, Public Works Director; Ardith Story, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer; Amy Kelsey, Cooper Engineering; and three citizens.

               The minutes of the April 8, 2024 regular meeting was mailed out prior to the meeting.

Steve Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2024 regular meeting as presented, second Dave Ebner. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

               The May payables were presented in printed form.

Russ Hulback moved to approve the payment of the May payables second Randy Hill. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.


                Public Comment: None.

                Sean Lentz, Ehlers presented financials with respect to the G.O. Promissory Note of $2,105,000 answering all board members questions. The official statement will be put out to finance bids the morning of June 10, 2024 and presented at the Regular Board Meeting.

                Resolution 2024-03 Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,105,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2024A.

Steve Johnson moved to approve Resolution 2024-03, seconded by Dave Ebner. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

Bill Koepp presented before the board providing a brief update.

Jaden Ebert presented before the board. A written report was provided to board members. Discussion of the pickleball court, the extension of the infield at Sportsman Park. It was excavated more to get more material and prep which drove up the price a bit. The invoice is now at $8,363 which the baseball organization is paying. Antzcak donated $4,500 towards the project. Clarification that the board did approve the work two or three months prior but the village did not budget for nor provide monies towards the project. The splashpad will not be open until June 8th.

              Adam Steffen was not present. No report was provided.

              Bartenders License Applications: Patrick Potter’s operator’s license application recommended to be denied.

Motion by Steve Johnson and seconded by Kathy Krug to deny. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

Mikayla L. Hix and Patricia M. Davidson’s applications moved to be approved.

Motion by Dave Ebner and seconded by Steve Johnson for approval. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.


                The Street Committee Chair provided an update from the May meeting. The stormwater project will have to take the fence down and put back up but there will be no change order. Project cost is $220,675. The culverts on Poplar St at end of street are being replaced. Project to commence in June, project will pause, then start again in Fall. Only a couple of the worst streets will be completed this year. In 2029 USH 8 starting by the school and then heading towards Weyerhaeuser will begin. A joint project for chip sealing costing the Village $5,700 for material only includes a crosswalk on 6th and Main St.

                A motion by Dave Ebner and Steve Johnson to approve chip sealing for $5,700. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

                The board authorized Jaden to move forward to work with the county to obtain quotes for the crosswalks. Project not expected until July so Jaden has time to obtain quotes.

                No action.

                The Law Enforcement Committee held a meeting on May 8th. There are 30 properties being addressed for junk violations including a business with approximately 100+ tires. Chief Steffen will address these. Also received complaints for parking. The complaint on Arlington St it is proposed by the street committee to place no parking signs lot line to lot line. Main St is hard to see so cones have been placed eliminating one parking stall in front of the business. This will be reviewed. The new officer to hire, Shelby Robinson will start Memorial Day weekend. Russ Hulback is attending Shelby’s graduation along with Chief Steffen.


                Resolution 2024-02, All-Hazard Mitigation Plan

                Motion by Steve Johnson seconded by Kathy Krug to approve Resolution 2024-02. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

                Committees and Commissions appointments were reviewed. It was discussed and presented to change the Block Grant Chairperson to Kathy Krug.

                Motion by Steve Johnson, seconded by Dave Ebner to approve the Committees and Commissions as presented except change the Chairperson for the Block Grant to Kathy Krug. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

                Cameron Civic Club community event will be May 31 thru June 2 this year. The closure of Spruce St to 6th St. Presenting to have the same route as the Christmas Parade avoided 7th St. The list of events was reviewed by board members.

                Motion by Dave Ebner and seconded by Randy Hill to approve the Cameron Civic Club’s list of events including a Temporary Picnic License as applied for. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

                The ACH Auto Pay was discussed with Deputy Clerk Story. Auto Pay cost would be the bank’s ACH fees of $10/batch and 0.05 cents per item. Typically, this would be a free service for water/sewer utility customers. This would not be offered for tax payments or permit fees. Only w/s utility payments. Customers would fill out a one-page application to sign up for Auto withdrawal for their utility bills and eBilled to an email. Deputy Story will send out a mass mailing announcing the information in June/July once all the information is gathered.

                Motion by Steve Johnson and seconded by Russ Hulback to initiate ACH Auto Pay thru Community Bank of Cameron, requiring customers to provide an email for eBilling if opting for Auto Pay. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.

                Motion by Randy Hill seconded by Kathy Krug to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.
