6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st MAIN STREET


            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, April 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall. Members present: Ben Hester, Randy Hill, Dylan Bahr, Steve Johnson, Dave Ebner, and Russ Hulback presiding. Absent: Jessica Larson.


            Also present: Amy Kelsey, Kathy Krug, Adam Steffen, Craig Antczak, Ryan Ebner, John Klump, Gary Gransee, and Jaden Ebert.


            The minutes of the March 11, 2024 regular meeting was mailed out prior to the meeting. Steve Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2024 regular meeting as presented, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 6-0.


            The April payables were presented in printed form. Dylan Bahr moved to approve the payment of the April payables with the additions, second Dave Ebner. Carried 6-0



            Public Comment: There were no public comments.

            Bill Koepp was not in attendance.

            Jaden Ebert submitted his written report and added that home owners will be responsible for replacing their water lines if they are deemed to be lead. The Village will work with homeowners by offering special assessments.

            Adam Steffen submitted his written report and had nothing else to add.



            John Klump and Ryan Ebner from K & E Construction answered questions on their bid for the food pantry expansion. Steve Johnson moved to approve the K & E Construction bid of $101,476 for the food pantry expansion. Carried 6-0

            Law Enforcement Committee did not meet, so no update this month.

            The Street Committee met and spent most of their meeting discussing the storm sewer pipe issue underneath the old football field. They are also waiting on bids for chip sealing a few of the streets, and are looking into re-painting some of the cross walks.

            After some discussion, Dave Ebner moved to approve the proposal from Antczak Construction to replace the storm sewer underneath the old football field at a cost of $207,420, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0 This project is contingent on getting a permit from the Wisconsin DNR. Jaden is in the process of completing the application.

            Russ Hulback moved to approve hiring Cooper Engineering to help Jaden file the application with the Wisconsin DNR, if needed, second Dave Ebner. Carried 6-0

            There is a summary judgement hearing scheduled for May 29, 2024 on the Matthews claim. Attorney Rich White from Weld Riley is proceeding with a summary judgement motion seeking a dismissal of the claim.

            Randy Hill moved to approve the expenditure of $5,000 for features at the Splash Pad with the funds coming from the ARPA monies, second Ben Hester. Carried 6-0



Resolution 2024-01, a resolution to declare a public emergency for the Village of Cameron and resultant exception from public bidding requirements was presented for approval. Dave Ebner moved to approve Resolution 2024-01 as presented, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0

The Civic Club presented a request for a picnic license for April 13, 2024 to hold their 3rd annual Purse Bingo fundraiser at the Cameron Fire Hall. Randy Hill moved to approve the request for a picnic license for the Civic Club on April 13, 2024 to hold their 3rd annual Purse Bingo fundraiser, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 6-0

The Village Hall had received a proposal for cleaning the Village Hall and Community Center. It was decided that it should be put out for bids. Roger will get with necessary department heads and get a bid sheet together.

Dylan Bahr moved to approve holding the spring clean-up on Saturday, May 4, 2024, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0

As there was nothing else to discus, at 6:51 Dave Ebner moved to adjourn the meeting, second Randy Hill. Carried 6-0




