6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st MAIN STREET


            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, February 13, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall.  Members present: Randy Hill, Steve Johnson, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback and Mark Trowbridge presiding. Absent: Ben Hester, Dylan Bahr


            Also present: Adam Steffen, John Adkins, Cory Cook, Amy Kelsey, Kathy Krug, Amy Kelsey and Jaden Ebert.


            The minutes of the January 9, 2023 regular meeting was mailed out prior to the meeting. Randy Hill moved to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2023 regular meeting with one correction, second Russ Hulback. Carried 5-0.

            The February payables were presented in printed form. Steve Johnson moved to approve the payment of the February payables with the additions, second Dave Ebner. Carried 5-0



            Public Comment: No public comments.

Bill Koepp was not in attendance.

Jaden Ebert submitted his written report and added that there was a large water leak discovered on Saturday (February 11) by the well house, and it turned out to be a 2” line that services the well house. A-1 excavating came in Sunday and repaired the leak. Jaden felt by looking at the line, it was not installed properly when 6th Street was redone recently. Jaden also stated that they will have more work to do in the area because the water leak has undermined the area and could cause sink holes.

            Adam Steffen did not have a monthly report this month, but reported that they dealt with a couple of incidents in the past month, but they are still under investigation so he couldn’t say too much about them. Adam also reported that he applied for and was awarded a grant through the Gary Sinise foundation to purchase vests and carriers.


Bartender license application for Nicole M. Gohde was presented for approval. Dave Ebner moved to approve the bartender license for Nicole M. Gohde, provided all criteria have been met, second Steve Johnson. Carried 5-0



            Dave Ebner reported that the Law Enforcement committee me and discussed the steps to be taken when snow is not removed from sidewalks within the 24 hours proceeding a snowfall. Step one: Law Enforcement contacts the offender and issues citation if they do not take care of it. Step two: If still not taken care of Law Enforcement will notify Street Department and they will clean it up and bill the individual and possibly issue a second citation. Step three: If payment is not received, it will be place on the tax roll.

            Ordinance 2023-01, an ordinance to amending Sec, 28-79 of the Village Code of Ordinances, relating to removal of snow from sidewalks was presented for approval. Dave Ebner moved to adopt Ordinance 2023-01, an ordinance to amending Sec, 28-79 of the Village Code of Ordinances, relating to removal of snow from sidewalks, second Steve Johnson. Carried 5-0

            Dave Ebner reported that the Street Committee met and Tim Gerber from the Community Bank of Cameron informed them about a leasing program they have. Dave state that there isn’t a need at this time, but will keep them in mind for possible future use.

            The Street Committee reviewed bids for the purchase of a new pickup truck for the Street Department, and recommended purchasing a 2023 Dodge Ram form Swant Graber Motors. Dave Ebner moved to approve the purchase of a 2023 1500 Tradesman regular cab pickup from Swant Graber Motors, in the amount of $36,997.00, second Randy Hill. Carried 5-0



            Russ Hulback wanted to discuss sending a letter to Governor Evers informing him that the Village Board would prefer the Governor not send monies directly back to citizens, but instead give it to the municipalities as he feels the citizens would get more “bang for the buck”. Steve Johnson recommended sending this letter to Assembly member David Armstrong and Senator Romaine Quinn. After some discussion there was unanimous consent to draft a letter and send it to Assembly member David Armstrong and Senator Romaine Quinn, voicing that the Village Board would be in support of giving Municipalities funds from the budget surplus instead of sending to citizens directly.

            In regards to potential projects for the ARPA funds: Mark Trowbridge hasn’t been able to get any quotes to upgrade the food pantry. Randy Hill reported that with all the snow they haven’t been able to get contractor to bid on a possible concession stand in the pavilion at Sportsman Park. Steve Johnson is working on potentially purchasing the old Blueberry Line from Poplar Avenue north to 15th Avenue. Roger Olson brought up the possibility of installing playground equipment on the lot the Village owns on Thompson Terrace Drive.


As there was nothing to vote on from closed session, at 6:34 there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.