MONDAY, JULY 11, 2022
6:00 P.M.
300 N. 1st MAIN STREET
The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall. Members present: Steve Johnson, Randy Hill, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback, Dylan Bahr and Mark Trowbridge presiding. Absent: Ben Hester
Also present: Chuck Bellows, and Adam Steffen.
The minutes of the June 13, 2022 regular meeting was mailed out prior to the meeting. Dave Ebner moved to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2022 regular meeting, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 6-0.
The July payables were presented in printed form. Russ Hulback moved to approve the payment of the July payables, with additions as printed, second Dave Ebner. Carried 6-0
Public Comment: No public comments.
Bill Koepp was not in attendance.
Jaden Ebert submitted his written report, but was not in attendance
Adam Steffen submitted his written report and added that he is looking into replacing his broken LIDAR unit at a cost of approximately $2,100. Adam stated that it would cost $350 to fix the now ten-year-old unit. There was also discussion on how to get properties into compliance that are not cutting their grass.
Wade Goss appeared before the board to discuss the numerous manufactured homes that are on his property at 1400 W Poplar Avenue. Wade understands that he has to get rid of the homes, but he is requesting six months to get it done. After much discussion, the board advised Wade that he has to have all of the homes cleaned off the property by November 1, 2022. The board also requested that Wade appear at the next board meeting to give the board an update on his progress.
The Street Committee met, along with Tim Meyer from Meyer Truck as the committee is looking into replacing the 2003 International Dump truck. Tim told the committee it would be approximately $190,000 for a similar truck. He also stated that if the board decided to order a truck now, it wouldn’t be here until late 2023 or early 2024.
Resolution No. 2022-001, a resolution adopting the 2021 compliance maintenance annual report. Randy Hill moved to pass Resolution No. 2022-001, a resolution adopting the 2021 compliance maintenance annual report, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0
At 6:41 a roll call was taken to go into closed session according to State Statute 19:85 (1)(g) Conferring with legal counsel who either orally or in writing will advise governmental body on strategy to be adopted with respect to current or likely litigation. Russ Hulback-Yes; Dylan Bahr-Yes; Steve Johnson-Yes, Dave Ebner-Yes; Randy Hill – Yes; and Mark Trowbridge-Yes.
At 7:19 Dave Ebner made a motion to go back into open session, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0
At 7:19, as there was nothing to act on from closed session, there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.