The Village will be putting the new water tower on line starting December 16, 2014.
These improvements will raise system pressures by 30 P.S.I. With the increased pressure you may develop leaks in your household piping. Faucets may start to drip, toilets may possibly leak and older galvanized piping may start to leak where it was previously pitted due to corrosion. Water hoses may burst due to age and water heaters beyond their service life may start to leak.
Please do not leave your home unattended for an extended period of time. Become knowledgeable where your water shut off is located and you may want to shut your water off if you will be gone for an extended period of time.
This information is for you to take precautionary actions to avoid damage due to leaking pipes, etc. It is the homeowners’ responsibility to consider changing water hoses to washing machines, replacing old hot water heaters, and any other appliances that may have old hoses/piping to avoid any problems. The Municipality is not responsible for any damage due to increased pressures.
Additional public service announcements either by this website, radio or newspaper will be made prior to the system being activated.
If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Public Works, Kurt Hartwell at (715) 458-2158 or the Village Clerk's Office at (715) 458-2117.