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6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st STREET


            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, April 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall.  Members present: Jim Turner, Steve Johnson, Ben Hester, Russ Hulback, Randy Hill, Dave Ebner and Mark Trowbridge presiding.


            Also present: Jaden Ebert, Leiah Fundell, Dewayne Reiten, Mike Lynch, Dave Adams, Buzzy Adams, Carl Cooley and Gary Strand.


            The minutes of the March 12, 2018 regular meeting were mailed out prior to the meeting. Jim Turner moved to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2018 meeting, second Dave Ebner.  Carried 7-0


            The April payables were presented in printed form.  Jim Turner moved to approve the payment of the April payables and additions as printed, second Russ Hulback. Carried 7-0



            Public Comment: No public comments.

Jaden Ebert submitted his departmental report and added that Marty Hendricks was awarded the Water Operator of the Year at the Wisconsin Rural Water Association Technical Conference.

Mike Lynch submitted his written report and had nothing to add.

DeWayne Reiten from Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin (MEUW) appeared to explain what services MEUW have to offer. They provide a regional safety management program that will provide policies and training for all the departments of the Village. Jim Turner moved to approve the proposal from MEUW to provide safety management for the Village, second Mark Trowbridge. Carried 7-0


Bartender license application for Christian Trommerhauser was presented for approval. Jim Turner moved to approve the bartender license for Christian Trommerhauser provided all criteria have been met, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0



            The Street Committee reported that Haas will be coming back to repair some of the issues on 6th Street, including fixing the approach at 411 N. 6th Street and billing the cost to the home owner as they caused the damage to the curb. The committee also discussed having an informational meeting at the Community Center prior to the start of the Main Street construction for all the residents and business owners.

            The Street Committee recommended giving the 72” Sweepster broom to Tractor Central for $800 credit towards any attachment or equipment at Tractor Central. The Committee had also received a bid from Dave Adams of $200 for the broom. Jim Turner moved to accept Tractor Central’s offer of $800 store credit for the 72” Sweepster broom, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0

            Mark Trowbridge recommended appointing Tim Gerber to the Planning Commission to fill out the term vacated by Greg Hammerel. Dave Ebner moved to approve the appointment of Tim Gerber to the Planning Commission to fill out the term vacated by Greg Hammerel, second Jim Turner. Carried 7-0

            Kevin (Buzzy) Adams submitted an offer to purchase the Village owned property between the fire department and L’Cars in the amount of $28,000. Kevin will also pay to have a new Certified Survey Map done to exclude the part of the property that the fire department is using. Roger Olson provided a comparison to the commercial property the School District sold the Blue Hills Therapy. Dave Ebner moved to accept the offer of $28,000 from Kevin Adams for the purchase of the vacant lot between the fire department and L’Cars, less the blacktopped portion at the Fire Department, second Russ Hulback. Carried 7-0

            The Village had not been given the okay from Rural Development to award the bids for the Main Street project prior to the meeting, so no action could be taken.



            The Parks/Cemetery Committee recommended putting the installation of a concrete pad at Guy Spiers Park for the exercise equipment that was purchased last year out for bids. Jim Turner moved to advertise for bids to install a concrete pad at Guy Spiers Park for the exercise equipment that has been purchased, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

            The Parks/Cemetery Committee recommended getting quotes to finish the curb & gutter and blacktopping of the parking lot at Guy Spiers Park for an estimated cost of $10,000. Jim Turner moved to approve up to $10,000 for blacktopping and curb & gutter at Guy Spiers Park, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0

            Jim Turner moved to put seal coating & painting of tennis courts out for bid, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

            The purchase of an outdoor display unit was tabled for lack of quotes.

            Steve Johnson moved to accept the bid of $7,500 from TM Roofing to replace the roof on the garage located at 605 ½ W. Main Street, second Russ Hulback. Carried 7-0

            Jim Turner moved to replace the damaged compressor at the Community Center at a cost of $3,655 by Bartingale Mechanical, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

            Jim Turner moved to accept the recommendation from the Planning Commission to allow Todd Swartz to finish out the Glenwood Addition with a Prefurbia Concept, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0

            The Spring Cleanup date was set for Saturday, May 12, 2018.

            Randy Hill suggested that because the Village’s insurance policy only covered portions of the buildings to be resided, that quotes should be solicited to side the entire buildings. Also, all the building should be looked at and bids should be sought for any repairs that are needed. Monies are available in the Building Fund Outlay Account.


            Prior to adjournment, Mark Trowbridge presented Jim Turner with a plaque in recognition of his 26 years of service on the Village Board.


As there was no further business to attend to, at 7:24 Steve Johnson moved to adjourn, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0


