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6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st MAIN STREET


            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall.  Members present: Ben Hester, Dylan Bahr, Randy Hill, Steve Johnson, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback and Mark Trowbridge presiding.


            Also present: Gary Strand, Ann Lamphere, and Jaden Ebert.


            The minutes of the November 14, 2022 regular meeting and the November 28, 2022 special meetings were mailed out prior to the meeting. Ben Hester moved to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2022 regular meeting and the November 28, 2022 special meetings second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0.

            The December payables were presented in printed form. Russ Hulback moved to approve the payment of the December payables, with additions as printed, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 7-0



            Public Comment: No public comments.

Bill Koepp was not in attendance

Jaden Ebert submitted his written report and had nothing to add.

Jaden submitted a quote of $789.00 from Display Sales to replace 10 banners for the light poles on Main Street. Randy Hill moved to approve the purchase of 10 banners from Display Sales at a cost of $789.00, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0

Jaden submitted a quote of $30,000 to transform the tennis courts into pickleball courts. They will crack seal, level and smooth the blacktop including 3 coats of Acrylic Resurfacer. Then paint the pickleball courts with the choice of two different colors, along with layout and striping the courts. They will also install 4 sets of Douglas Premier Pickleball post, nets and tie downs. Randy Hill moved to approve the quote from      to transform the tennis courts into 4 pickleball courts, funding the project with ARPA funds, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0

            Adam Steffen submitted his written report, but was not in attendance.

            Ann Lamphere appeared before the board to raise awareness of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), as she is trying to get Governor Evers to recognize the week of June 13th – 19th as FAP awareness week. After Mrs. Lamphere gave her presentation, the Village Board and all in attendance signed her petition.


Bartender license application for Sharon R. Smith and Sierra R. DeJesus were presented for approval. Dave Ebner moved to approve the bartender licenses for Sharon R. Smith and Sierra R. DeJesus, provided all criteria have been met, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 7-0


Kwik Trip submitted an Appointment of Successor Agent (Form AT-200) to name Kyle Crotteau as their agent for the Cameron store. Ben Hester moved to approve Kwik Trip’s appointment of Kyle Crotteau as their agent, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0



            The Street Committee had nothing to report this month.



Resolution 2022-004, a resolution to authorize amendments in the 2022 Village of Cameron budget was presented for approval. Mark Trowbridge moved to approve Resolution 2022-004 as presented, second Randy Hill. Carried 7-0


The caucus was set for Monday, January 9, 2023 at 5:45 pm.


At 6:35 there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.





