OCTOBER 9, 2017

6:00 P.M.


               300 N. 1ST STREET                   

     The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, October 9, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall. Members present: Jim Turner, Randy Hill, Dave Ebner, Ben Hester, Russell Hulback, Steve Johnson, with Mark Trowbridge presiding.


     Also present: Gary Strand, Marty Hendricks, Bill Koepp, Mike Lynch, Wanda and Chuck Bellows, Zac Armstrong, Jim and Colleen Davis, Collin Davis and Leiah Fundell.


     The minutes of the September 11, 2017 regular meeting were mailed out prior to the meeting. Ben Hester moved to approve the minutes of the September meeting, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0


     The October payables were presented in printed form. Jim Turner moved to approve the payment of the October payables with the additions, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0



     Public Comment: There was no public comment.

     Bill Koepp updated the board on the building projects in the Village. The roofing and siding projects continue, and two new homes under construction this fall.

   Mike Lynch presented the board with information on Spillman Technologies RMS (Records Management System) that he is interested in using for his department. He is attending a presentation of the Spillman product on October 10, 2017 and will have more information for the November meeting. A request to attend the Wisconsin Chief’s of Police Winter Conference at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells, February 11 – 14, 2018 was approved by a motion from Jim Turner, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0  

     Marty Hendricks submitted a written monthly pumping report which showed that progress has been made correcting the water loss problem. The Village is down from a 50% loss to 15-20%. The department has been working on winterizing the parks, jetting sewer lines and flushing hydrants.  


     An application from Kristin K. Walton for a operators license was presented. Russell Hulback moved to approve the issuance of the license provided all criteria were met, second Jim Turner. Carried 7-0



     The street lights on North 6th Street, owned by X Cell Energy were discussed. It was the intention to remove the old lights once the new lights were installed and working. The Village will contact XCel Energy and have them removed.

     In other old business Randy Hill moved to rescind the bid for the concrete pad at Guy Spiers Park and re-bid the project in the spring, second Jim Turner. Carried 7-0  



           A Discharge Permit for Sweet Additions was presented for approval. Mark Trowbridge moved to delay the issuance of the Discharge Permit until the Water and Sewer Department can inspect site plans, plumbing plans and check for cross connections at Sweet Additions, second Jim Turner. Carried 7-0

         B.P. Amoco incurred bills for sewer issues when Xcel Energy drilled through their sewer lines and was requesting that the bills be paid for by the Village. The sewer lines at B.P. Amoco were not able to be located since they had no trace wire and not installed in the usual place.   The sewer lines were repaired by the public works department with no charge to the owner, when usually it is the property owner’s obligation to maintain the lines. After discussion it was determined that the Village would not be liable for the expense of B.P. Amoco’s bills. To avoid future complications, when a line can not be found the Village will notify the Utility Company.   Steve Johnson moved to deny the payment of both bills from B.P. Amoco, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

   The following resolutions for the upcoming Main Street Project were presented:

     Resolution 2017-004, a resolution providing for the use of streets and alleys presented for approval. Randy Hill moved to approve Resolution 2017-004, second Russell Hulback. Carried 7-0

     Resolution 2017-005, a resolution authorizing incurrence of indebtedness for Main Street improvements for the Sewer Collection System for the amount of One Million One Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand dollars was presented for approval. Randy Hill moved to approve Resolution 2017-005, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

     Resolution 2017-006, a resolution authorizing incurrence of indebtedness for Main Street improvements for the Water Utility System for the amount of One Million Eight Hundred Seventy-One Thousand dollars was presented for approval. Jim Turner moved to approve Resolution 2017-006, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

     Steve Johnson discussed with the board the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations after their study of Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code of Ordinances. Some of the changes they discussed was to remove the section 14.04(2)(b)(3) that covered floor coverings, changing the threshold amount for maintenance from $1,000 to $3,000 also consider having a flat fee of $25.00 for maintenance of roofs, siding, doors and windows. His final recommendation was to dissolve the Ad Hoc Committee. This information will be taken under consideration at the next Ordinance meeting.


     At 7:20 p.m. roll call was taken to go into closed session according to State Statute 19:85 (1)(f) for consideration of financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific problems or investigation of charges against specific persons that, if discussed, would likely have substantial adverse effect pm reputation of any person mentioned in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations: to discuss filling a vacant position and employee compensation: Randy – yes, Jim – yes, Dave – yes, Ben – yes, Mark – yes. Steve – yes Russell – yes.


     Jim Turner moved to go back into Open Session, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0


     Mark Trowbridge moved to hire Jaden Ebert to fill the Public Works Director position, second Randy Hill. Carried 7-0

     Under employee compensation Randy Hill moved to approve a $2.00 per hour stipend for Marty Hendricks and Roger Abbott while the Public Works Director position was vacant until November 6th when the new Public Works Director starts, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

     Mark Trowbridge moved to approve 8 days of PTO and to continue with the additional $2.00 per hour for Marty Hendricks until December 31, 2017, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0 

     As there was no other business to discuss, Jim Turner moved to adjourn, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0
