MARCH 14, 2016

6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st STREET


The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall. Members present: Jim Turner, Travis Turner, Ben Hester Randy Hill, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback and Mark Trowbridge presiding. 

Also present: Kurt Hartwell, Laurie Richter, Erin Putzy, Greg Hammerel, Matt Barrett, Sam Finazzo, and Joan Chappell.

 The minutes of the February 8, 2016 regular meeting were mailed out prior to the meeting. Travis Turner moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2016 regular meeting as printed, second Jim Turner. Carried 7-0

      The March payables were presented in printed form. Jim Turner moved to approve payment of the March payables with the additions, second Ben Hester.  Carried 7-0


Public Comment: There were no public comments.

Erin Putzy appeared before the board to inform them that she is looking into buying the Solberg property at 801 N. 1st Street. She is looking to turn the property into a facility that will be for individuals to get together to be creative, inspired by others, and enjoy getting together for scrapbooking, c rafting, sewing, painting or other events. The facility will provide accommodations for individuals and business customers alike.

Kurt Hartwell had nothing to add to his written report.

Mike Lynch was unable to attend the meeting.


Bartender license application for Kory S. Mickelson was presented for approval. Jim Turner moved to approve the bartender license for Kory S. Mickelson provided all criteria have been met, second Travis Turner. Carried 7 -0



The Community Center Board presented a revised job description for the Community Center Coordinator position. Travis Turner moved to approve the revised Community Center Coordinator job description as printed, second Russ Hulback. Carried 7-0

A provisional Class “A” Beer and Liquor License for Northwoods Liquor (Joan Chappell, owner), 205A  N. 1st Street was presented for approval. The license will expire 60 days after issuance. Jim Turner moved to approve a provisional Class “A” Beer and Liquor License for Northwoods Liquor (Joan Chappell, owner), 205A  N. 1st Street, second Travis Turner. Carried 7-0



Mark Trowbridge requested to attend, along with any other boards members that are interested, the 2016 Local Government 101 training put on by the League of Wisconsin Municipalities in Eau Claire on May 6, 2016 at a cost of $70 pre registrant. Jim Turner moved to approve Ben Hester and Mark Trowbridge attending the 2016 Local Government 101 training put on by the League of Wisconsin Municipalities in Eau Claire on May 6, 2016, second Travis Turner. Carried 7-0

The board gave consent for the Kurt Hartwell to put the old water tower up for auction on the Wisconsin Public Auction Service, with a minimum bid of $20,000.

The water/sewer committee recommended the purchase of a camera system for televising the sewer lines. The system they recommend is an all-in-one system with built in recording devices, 400 foot push-rod, SD card reader to record video or still images. The system price is $10,999.95. Jim Turner moved to approve the water/sewer committee’s recommendation of the purchase of a camera system for televising the sewer lines in the amount of $10,999.95, second Mark Trowbridge. Carried 7-0


At 6:23 a roll call vote was taken to go into closed session: Randy Hill-Yes; Dave Ebner-Yes; Ben Hester-Yes; Mark Trowbridge-Yes; Jim Turner-Yes; Travis Turner-Yes, and Russ Hulback-Yes.


At 6:44 Jim Turner moved to go back into open session, second Travis Turner. Carried 7-0


As there was no further business to attend to, at 6:45 Russ Hulback moved to adjourn, second Travis Turner. Carried 7-0



