MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023

6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st MAIN STREET


            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall. Members present: Randy Hill, Dylan Bahr, Steve Johnson, and Dave Ebner and Russ Hulback presiding. [Ben Hester not present]


            Also present: John Adkins, Amy Kelsey, Matt Shilts, Jaden Ebert, Adam Steffen, and Denise Paddock.


            The minutes of the April 17, 2023 regular meeting was mailed out prior to the meeting. Steve Johnson moved to approve the minutes of April 17, 2023 regular meeting as presented, second Dave Ebner. Carried 5-0

            The May payables were presented in printed form. Dave Ebner moved to approve the payment of the May payables with the additions, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 5-0


            Public Comment: None.

            Bailey Anderson was not in attendance.

            Matt Shilts: Presented a Certified Survey Map (CSM) for approval. The owner of the property, Verlyn Kraus, plans to sell the east approximate acre from his lot to one of his grandchildren so they can build a home on it. Verlyn’s lot which abuts Babes Ln and be approximately1.6 acres. The lot split from Verlyn’s will abut Rudolph Rd and will be approximately 1 acre. Matt Shilts stated that there is a 66’ Village easement on the east of the new lot, but there should still be room to build a home on it. Steve Johnson moved CSM as presented, second Dave Ebner. Carried 5-0

              Bill Koepp was not in attendance.

Jaden Ebert submitted his written report and had nothing to add at this time. Dave Ebner asked what the MacQueen invoice was for and Jaden replied it was for the street sweeper

              Adam Steffen had nothing at this time and the board had no questions for him. 

              Dave Ebner commented that the Sheriff said there was not much difference between buying a squad and buying a car right off a lot.  Adam said he had the consult built right in @ $900.00 plus. The price of the new Dodge Durango squad is $39,835.00.  The Dodge Durango was ordered.  Adam Steffen said the Foundation will pay for it.

              Adam commented there was no coverage this weekend.  He said the part-timers have mandatory training Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of that week so night coverage would not resume until Friday May 13th.  Adam also commented that if an additional police officer was not added there would be overtime for Camerama.


              Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License for the Cameron Civic Club, as well as temporary bartender license application for Derek A. Zych, Nathan D. Frandsen, and Daynen B. Paddock for Camerama were presented for approval.  Dave Ebner moved to approve the licenses for the Cameron Civic Club, Derek A. Zych, Nathan D. Frandsen, and Daynen B. Paddock, provided all criteria have been met, second Dylan Bahr.  Carried 5-0




              The Law Enforcement Committee did not have a meeting due to the incident. 

The Street Committee did have a meeting and discussed ATV travel in the Village.  Lynch had ordered “Entrance” signs for ATV use but they were the wrong signs.  Jaden commented that he had to take them down.  Barron County had put up a sign that no ATV’s go on County Road W.  Adam commented the signs may have been temporary as ATV trails did not open up until today 05/08/2023.  Dave Ebner stated there is a meeting in July 2023 for compliance.

              Ebner listed priority roads for repair.  He commented that we have LRIP money to use towards the priority list but suggested not doing anything at this time and having double the money for next time. This is to be determined. Ebner also asked who is responsible for culverts – the Village or the owner.             



              Denise Paddock brought an informational letter about Cameron’s Civic Club putting on Camerama.  She discussed closing down the park entrance at 6th Street.  Dave Ebner moved to approve the Civic Clubs request for Camerama as requested, Dylan Bahr second.  Carried 5-0

After much discussion on the potential sale of lots on Romsos Ave., Dave Ebner made a motion to table the request until they had more information and answers from the party buying.  Russ Hulback Tabled until Land Development Committee meets and has recommendations for the Board.  Motion made/carried.

              Ben Hester was not in attendance and there was no discussion on defibrillators.

              Randy Hill moved to approve the 2023-2024 appointment of Committees and Commissions, second Steve Johnson.  Carried 5-0






First person listed is Chairperson



PERSONNEL:                                    Randy Hill – Dylan Bahr Russ Hulback

STREETS:                                          Dave Ebner – Russ Hulback- Steve Johnson

WATER/SEWER:                              Vacant - Randy Hill – Steve Johnson

PARKS/CEMETERY:                       Randy Hill – Ben Hester– Dylan Bahr

FINANCE:                                          Russ Hulback – Ben Hester – Roger Olson


DISCIPLINARY:                               Dave Ebner – Dylan Bahr – Vacant

LICENSING:                                      Vacant – Dave Ebner – Randy Hill

BOARD OF REVIEW:                      Roger Olson – Russ Hulback - Vacant

WEED COMMISSIONER:                Vacant

INSURANCE:                                    Randy Hill – Ben Hester – Vacant

JOINT SEWER COMMISSION:       Steve Johnson – Dylan Bahr

LIBRARY BOARD:                          Ben Hester

BLOCK GRANT:                               Ben Hester – Steve Johnson – Roger Olson

ASSESSMENTS:                               Steve Johnson – Randy Hill – Russ Hulback

ENERGY USE COMMITTEE          Russ Hulback – Dylan Bahr – Steve Johnson


COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD   Ben Hester – Dave Ebner – Charlotte Tubbs

            Carla TePaske – Geri Schoenecker

LAW ENFORCEMENT COMM       Dave Ebner – Vacant – Dylan Bahr

LAND DEVELOPMENT                  Russ Hulback – Steve Johnson – Dave Ebner



Village of Cameron





(Three-year term)                               Expires                                    Phone#


Russ Hulback                                      5-1-2024                                 458-4874

Carla TePaske                                     5-1-2024                                 642-0272

Bill Koepp                                          5-1-2026                                 458-4448

Merle Keopple                                    5-1-2026                                 296-7724

Vacant                                                 5-1-2025                                


 Randy Hill                                         5-1-2024                                 651-0447




(Three-year term)                               Expires                                    Phone#


Russ Hulback                                      5-1-2025                                 458-4874

Colleen Bender                                   5-1-2026                                 458-2618

Terri Richie                                         5-1-2024                                 441-9713        

Tim Gerber                                         5-1-2024                                 458-4056

Merle Keopple                                    5-1-2026                                 296-7724                                

Steve Johnson                                     5-1-2025                                 458-3129

Carla TePaske                                     5-1-2024                                 642-0272


Randy Hill moved to approve the appointment of committees and commissions, second Steve Johnson. Carried 5-0


No discussion on potential ARPA projects as they are still waiting on bids for the Food Pantry.


At 7:30pm roll call was taken to go into closed session according to State Statute 19:85 (1)(c) for consideration of employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee subject to the jurisdiction or authority of governing body:  Randy – yes, Dave – yes, Steve – yes, Russell – yes, Dylan - yes. 


              At 8:10 pm Dave Ebner made the motion to go back into Open Session, second Steve Johnson.  Carried 5-0


            Randy Hill moved to approve the hiring of Tony Wick, as a Maintenance Worker, provided he passes a physical and all other criteria needed for his position, second Steve Johnson. Carried 5-0     


At 8:15pm there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.


