6:00 P.M.




            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Community Center.  Members present: Ben Hester, Steve Johnson, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback, Randy Hill, with Mark Trowbridge presiding. Absent: Tim Wall.


            Also present: Jaden Ebert, Mike Lynch, Gary Strand, Stacy Frolik, Randine Hargrave, Dylan Bahr, Erik Barclay, Drew Lindh and Bill Koepp.


            The minutes of the December 14, 2020 regular meeting, was mailed out prior to the meeting. Ben Hester moved to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2020 regular meeting as printed, second Dave Ebner.  Carried 6-0


            The January payables were presented in printed form.  Russ Hulback moved to approve the payment of the January payables, with additions as printed, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0



            Public Comment: There were no public comments.

            Bill Koepp reported that there is not a lot of building going, so nothing new to report.

            Jaden Ebert submitted his written report and added that there was a hydrant leaking at the McFarland Cascade, but Roger Abbott was able to go and shut it down. It was a valve that had frozen and broke.

            Mike Lynch submitted his written report and had nothing to add.

            Mike presented a proposal to replace the departments two-way radios. The two units in the squads are over 10 years old, and the portable units don’t scan properly. The cost to purchase two new squad radios along with four new portable radios, all ICOM products, would be $8,220.29. Russ Hulback moved to approve the purchase of new ICOM radios, and portable radios in the amount of $8,220.29, with the funds coming out of the Law Enforcement Capital Outlay account, second Dave Ebner. Carried 6-0

            Mike also requested to replace the two outdated radar units with Kustom Eagle 3 units from Kustom Signals at a total cost of $5,634 which includes a five-year extended warranty. Steve Johnson moved to approve the purchase of two new Kustom Eagle 3 radar units from Kustom Signals at a cost of $5,634, with the funds coming from the Law Enforcement Capital Outlay account, second Mark Trowbridge. Carried 6-0

            Lastly, Mike requested approval to sell the two old radar units, for not less than $300 per unit, with the proceeds to be returned to the Law Enforcement Vehicle Capital Outlay account. Randy Hill moved to approve the sale of the two old radar units, for not less than $300 per unit, with the proceeds to be returned to the Law Enforcement Vehicle Capital Outlay account, second Ben Hester. Carried 6-0


            Eric Barclay & Drew Lindh, from MSA Engineering, appeared to introduce themselves as the new local representatives and went over there GIS program.



            There was no update from the Street Committee this month.



            Randine Hargrave and Stacy Frolik, representing the Phyllis Arts family submitted a Certified Survey Map (CSM) to split parcel No. 111-5000-87-000 into three separate lots. This parcel is on both sides of N. 11th Street. Lot No.1 would be approximately 1.28 acres and has Phyllis’s house on it, which they are in the process of selling. After some discussion, Randy Hill moved to approve the CSM as submitted, but failed to gain a second and Randy withdrew his motion. After further discussion, Steve Johnson suggested that the Arts split out the lot with the house on it, and leave the balance of the property on the same parcel. The Arts family will do this and bring it back to the board for approval.


 At 6:54 a roll call was taken to go into closed session according to State Statute 19:85 (1)(c) for consideration of employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee subject to the jurisdiction or authority of governing body. Randy Hill-Yes; Dave Ebner-Yes; Steve Johnson-Yes; Russ Hulback – Yes; Ben Hester-Yes and Mark Trowbridge-Yes.


At 7:11 Steve Johnson made a motion to go back into open session, second Mark Trowbridge. Carried 6-0


Randy Hill moved to approve the hiring of Brian Erickson and Jacob Pedersen to fill the vacant positions in the Public Works Department per the recommendation by the Personnel Committee, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0


At 7:13 there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.
