6:00 P.M.




            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, October 12, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Community Center.  Members present: Ben Hester, Tim Wall, Steve Johnson, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback, Randy Hill, with Mark Trowbridge presiding.


            Also present: Jaden Ebert, Gary Strand and Mike Lynch.


            The minutes of the September 14, 2020 regular meeting were mailed out prior to the meeting. Dave Ebner moved to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2020 regular meeting as printed, second Steve Johnson.  Carried 7-0


            The October payables were presented in printed form.  Russ Hulback moved to approve the payment of the October payables, with additions as printed, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0



            Public Comment: There were no public comments.

            Bill Koepp was not at the meeting.

            Jaden Ebert submitted his written report and added Sweet Additions sewer usage is going in the right direction.

            Mike Lynch submitted his written report and had nothing to add.


Bartender license application for Darcie Heier was presented for approval. Russ Hulback moved to approve the bartender license for Darcie Heier provided all criteria have been met, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0



            Watertight Foundation Systems is done with trenching around the Village Hall and installing drain tile. Jaden suggested to have J & J Concrete re-install the sidewalks but there isn’t sufficient time to get a quote to have it done before the upcoming Presidential Election. Dave Ebner moved to approve up to $4,000 for J & J Concrete to re-install the sidewalk and fix the sill plates, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0

            Dave Ebner moved to award the bids for the Safe Routes to School Project to Haas Sons, Inc. in the amount of $423,783.34 contingent upon Gary Strand and Roger Olson agreeing that there will be at least $100,000 left over from the TID loan available to use on the Safe Routes to School project, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0



            Jaden submitted a quote to install a plow mount on the new Dodge pickup from Northwest Enterprises Inc in the amount of $1,520.00. They will use the blade that they already have. Dave Ebner moved to approve the quote from Northwest Enterprises Inc in the amount of $1,520.00 to install a plow mount on the new Dodge pickup with the funds coming out of the Street Machinery Outlay account, second Ben Hester. Carried 7-0

            Steve Johnson moved to approve Barron County Highway to come in and blacktop patch three spots in the Village in the amount of approximately $4,500, second Dave Ebner. Carried 7-0

            The safety management program contract with MEUW is up for renewal at the end of the year and Jaden said he is very happy with the service they have provided. Jaden would like to table the approval of the new contract until he is satisfied that MEUW will guarantee there will not be a lapse in coverage when the Village’s current coordinator retires. Mark Trowbridge moved to table the approval of the MEUW contract renewal, second Steve Johnson. Carried 7-0

             A budget workshop date was set for November 9, 2020 after the regular board meeting.


At 6:47 there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.


