Pay Property Taxes

Pay Utilities



6:00 P.M.


300 N. 1st MAIN STREET


            The Cameron Village Board met in regular session on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cameron Village Hall.  Members present: Steve Johnson, Randy Hill, Dave Ebner, Russ Hulback, Dylan Bahr with, Mark Trowbridge presiding. Absent: Ben Hester.


            Also present: Jaden Ebert, Jim Whittinghill, John Atkins, Bill Koepp, Adam Steffen, and Gary Strand.


            The minutes of the October 11, 2021 regular meeting were mailed out prior to the meeting. Dave Ebner moved to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2021 regular meeting as printed, second Randy Hill. Carried 6-0.


            The November payables were presented in printed form. Russ Hulback moved to approve the payment of the November payables, with additions as printed, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0



            Public Comment: John Atkins, from 1202 Ludlow spoke on the poor condition of the Wade Goss property, who’s conditional use permit will be discussed later in the meeting. John stated that ever since Wade starting bringing in trailers to recycle, they started having rat issues along with other critters. Therefore, John is strongly opposed to Wade Goss being able to continue with his conditional use permit.

            Bill Koepp reported that there is not a lot of building going on in the Village, a few garages, and remodels is all. Bill also reported that he has been working on the Peterson property and the old feed mill. Bill has not had any luck getting in contact with anyone at the CN Railroad. He does have information on the two properties that he is going to bring to the Village attorney for further action.

            Jaden Ebert submitted his written report, and had nothing else to add.

            Jaden, along with the Street Committee reviewed three bids on replacing the 2015 John Deere Z950R lawn mower and recommended purchasing a 2021 Bad Boy Rogue 61” Zero Turn mower from Duffy’s Sales for $6,299. Randy Hill moved to purchase the 2021 Bad Boy Rogue 61” Zero Turn mower from Duffy’s Sales for $6,299, which includes trading the 2015 John Deere, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0

            The committee and Jaden also reviewed street sweeper quotes and recommended purchasing a 2011 Elgin Pelican from MacQueen Equipment. Dave Ebner moved to trade in the 2003 Crosswind Street sweeper for a 2011 Elgin Pelican, from MacQueen Equipment for the final cost of $112,000, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0

            The Water and Sewer Committee, along with Jaden have been working with Attorney Wishart and Cooper Engineering to include an “Intermittent Discharge Section”, which will be part of the Industrial Discharge Section, to the Sewer Use Ordinance. Steve Johnson moved to approve the changes to the Sewer Use Ordinance, second Dylan Bahr. Carried 6-0

            Adam Steffen submitted his written report and added that they have been busy, and that is difficult to fill shifts.

            Jim Whittinghill, representing Republic Services, appeared before the board to request extending the current garbage contract. Mr. Whittinghill brought in two contacts, one a five year, and one a three-year contract. The three-year contract has increases as follows: year one of 3%, and 6% for years two and three. The five-year contract has increases of 3% the first year and 5% for year two through five. This item will be on the December agenda to be acted upon.


            Russ Hulback moved to approve a Class “B” original alcohol beverage retail license for Stone Oven Pizzeria (new owner Tasha L. Meinke), second Dave Ebner. Carried 6-0



            Dave Ebner gave an update from the recent Street Department meeting, which he stated that the crack filling and road patching will be done by the end of this week.

            Law Enforcement Committee had nothing new to report.

            After some discussion on Wade Goss’s conditional use permit at 1400 W. Poplar Avenue, Randy Hill moved to rescind the conditional use permit immediately, second Dave Ebner. Carried 6-0 Attorney Stephens will be requested to draft a letter to Mr. Goss.



            Mark Trowbridge presented the updated appointment of Committee and Commissions as follows:





First person listed is Chairperson



PERSONNEL:                                    Randy Hill – Mark Trowbridge Russ Hulback

STREETS:                                          Dave Ebner – Russ Hulback- Steve Johnson

WATER/SEWER:                               Mark Trowbridge - Randy Hill – Steve Johnson

PARKS/CEMETERY:                        Randy Hill – Ben Hester– Dylan Bahr

FINANCE:                                         Mark Trowbridge – Steve Johnson – Roger Olson


DISCIPLINARY:                               Dave Ebner – Dylan Bahr – Mark Trowbridge

LICENSING:                                      Steve Johnson – Dave Ebner – Randy Hill

BOARD OF REVIEW:                       Roger Olson – Mark Trowbridge

WEED COMMISSIONER:               Dylan Bahr

INSURANCE:                                    Randy Hill – Ben Hester – Russ Hulback

JOINT SEWER COMMISSION:      Steve Johnson – Mark Trowbridge

LIBRARY BOARD:                          Ben Hester

BLOCK GRANT:                              Ben Hester – Steve Johnson – Roger Olson

ASSESSMENTS:                               Steve Johnson – Randy Hill – Russ Hulback

ENERGY USE COMMITTEE           Russ Hulback – Dylan Bahr – Steve Johnson


COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD   Ben Hester – Dave Ebner – Charlotte Tubbs

            Carla TePaske – Geri Schoenecker

LAW ENFORCEMENT COMM      Dave Ebner – Mark Trowbridge – Dylan Bahr

LAND DEVELOPMENT                  Mark Trowbridge – Steve Johnson – Dave Ebner



Village of Cameron





(Three-year term)                                Expires                                    Phone#


Mark Trowbridge                                5-1-2024                                 458-6168

Vacant                                                 5-1-2024                          

Bill Koepp                                           5-1-2023                                 458-4448

Merle Keopple                                    5-1-2023                                 296-7724

Dan Oftedahl                                       5-1-2022                                 458-2770


 Randy Hill                                          5-1-2024                                 651-0447




(Three-year term)                                Expires                                    Phone#


Mark Trowbridge                                5-1-2022                                 458-4878

Colleen Bender                                   5-1-2023                                 458-2618

Terri Richie                                         5-1-2024                                 441-9713        

Tim Gerber                                         5-1-2024                                 458-4056

Merle Keopple                                    5-1-2023                                 296-7724                                

Steve Johnson                                     5-1-2022                                 458-3129

Dan Oftedahl                                       5-1-2024                                 458-2770


Dave Ebner moved to approve the appointment of committees and commissions, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0


The Joint Wastewater Committee has requested to hire MSA and Cooper Engineering to prepare a wastewater facility plan, (20-year plan) for the joint sewage plant in Barron. The scope of service with MSA and Cooper Engineering will cost $108,000 with Cameron’s portion being approximately 42% or $45,360. Mark Trowbridge moved to approve up to $50,000 for the facility use plan conducted jointly by MSA and Cooper Engineering, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0


            Mark Trowbridge moved to approve the tentative 2022 budget and set a Budget Hearing for Tuesday, November 30, 2021 at 6:00 pm, second Steve Johnson. Carried 6-0


            Dave Ebner moved to approve hiring Cooper Engineering to submit the LRIP grant for the fee of $500, second Russ Hulback. Carried 6-0


As there was no need for closed session at this time, at 7:25 there was unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting.

